Terms of use
Please handle it as you think well.
I don't want to say anything about fan-activity.
■ くれぐれも自己責任の範疇でやってください。お願いします。
■ 非営利目的の使用のみ許可されます。
■ Youtube配信とかでBGMとして使っていただくのはOKです。スパチャも切らなくてOK。
■ アーティスト名とか楽曲名は間違えないでね。
■ アプリケーション(独自開発の音ゲーとか)に楽曲を組み込む場合は別途ご相談ください。
■ 商用目的での無断使用
■ Youtube等の投稿サイトへ、楽曲の視聴目的で私の作品をアップロード
■ 私の販売する楽曲をそのまま二次配布する行為
■ その他非常識な使用用途での楽曲使用(あたりまえ体操)
■ Please handle it at your own risk.
I assume no responsibility.
■ Only non-commercial use is allowed.
■ When using, please specify my credit
(artist name, and I'm glad if you write the URL of this website https://s-don.com).
■ Obviously, I have no right of my songs newly written for commercial contents, and "Blacksphere"
Please do it at your own risk.
■ Please notice me when you incorporate my music into your application.
■ Don't use for commercial purposes without my permission.
(It is welcome using my songs after making a proper contract, so please contact me from e-mail form.)
■ Don't upload my work to websites (such as Youtube) for the purpose of listening or watching my works.
■ Don't redistribute my song that is being sold.
■ Don't use my music with lack of common sense.
・ Slander, libel, etc.
・ To act as if it were your work
・ Contrary to public order or morality
・ To lower anyone's value or society's approval